Help Spread Loeys-Dietz Syndrome Awareness on Social Media!

Awareness of Loeys-Dietz syndrome leads to early diagnosis, treatment, and an extended lifespan. The most powerful way we can raise awareness is through you, our volunteers! Your circles of relatives, friends, co-workers, and neighbors, your knowledge, your personal journey, and your commitment cannot be matched by anyone outside of our community.

In addition to sharing information from our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, you can create your own posts and tweets to increase awareness. We invite you to join in promoting #LoeysDietz awareness on social media!


Awareness Graphics


Facebook Cover & Email Images


Fact Checks



  1. If you have a Facebook profile, make sure you “like” the Loeys-Dietz Syndrome Foundation page at so that our posts appear in your news feed.

  2. Comment and share our posts, pictures, and videos, especially during Loeys-Dietz Syndrome Awareness Month.

  3. Create your own Facebook posts with links to to educate your personal networks about Loeys-Dietz syndrome. Use our hashtag #LoeysDietz in all your posts for easy tracking. Tell your story, explain why Loeys-Dietz syndrome (LDS) awareness is important to you, and promote the facts. Encourage your Facebook friends to share your posts to multiply your impact.

  4. Post photos and share what you’re doing for LDS Awareness Month on our Facebook page.

  5. If you are not on Facebook, now is a good time to join! Create a profile (for free) on Then “friend” people you know (friends, relatives, neighbors) to create your personal network before June begins. Then, when you post about LDS awareness, you will be sharing information with a large, and growing, group of people.


  1. If you have a Twitter handle, make sure you follow us @LDSFoundation.

  2. Watch for our tweets, like them, and retweet them to your followers.

  3. Create your own tweets about Loeys-Dietz syndrome to educate your followers. Use our hashtag #LoeysDietz in all your tweets for easy tracking. Tell your story, explain why Loeys-Dietz awareness is important to you, and promote facts. Encourage your followers to retweet your tweets to multiply your impact.

  4. If you are not on Twitter, now is a good time to join! Create your twitter account (for free) on Then follow people you know and who you want to influence. There’s a good chance that people you follow will then follow you back. That’s the power of Twitter. Then, when you tweet about Loeys-Dietz awareness, you will be sharing information with a large, and growing, group of people who will, hopefully, retweet your news to their followers.


Sample Posts for Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter

Note: If you include a photo of yourself or a family member, you can gain more response!

  • Loeys-Dietz syndrome isn’t always inherited. Sometimes it can come from a spontaneous mutation. Go to to learn more. #loeysdietz

  • Parents don’t always pass on the Loeys-Dietz syndrome gene variant to their children. Learn more about why at #loeysdietz

  • It’s really all about the genes when it comes to Loeys-Dietz syndrome. Find out more about the gene variant at #loeysdietz

  • Because Loeys-Dietz syndrome affects connective tissue, it can affect what activities and exercises someone with LDS can do. Learn more at #loeysdietz

  • Loeys-Dietz syndrome can really affect the entire body since connective tissue is found throughout the body. Learn how by going to #loeysdietz

  • Just like no two people are the same, no two Loeys-Dietz syndromes are the same. Read stories about people’s different experiences with LDS by going to #loeysdietz

  • Did you know that there are conditions related to Loeys-Dietz syndrome? Learn about them by going to #loeysdietz

  • These are just the unique characteristics of Loeys-Dietz syndrome. Find out about other characteristics by going to #loeysdietz

  • Loeys-Dietz syndrome can affect the body in so many ways. Go to to learn more. #loeysdietz

  • Hypermobility is one of the reasons why some people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome have to limit their activities. Learn more at #loeysdietz

  • Aneurysms can happen at anytime and anywhere in people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome. Find out more at #loeysdietz

  • You can sometimes see the signs of Loeys-Dietz syndrome in the eyes. Learn why that is at #loeysdietz

  • Want to walk in the footsteps of someone with Loeys-Dietz syndrome? Then learn about their feet at #loeysdietz


If you didn’t get the chance to participate in Loeys-Dietz Syndrome Awareness Month, but would like to still support The Marfan Foundation please donate now!

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